Image Classification ==================== Install Package --------------- - Clone the GitHub repo:: git clone - Install PyTorch Encoding (if not yet). Please follow the installation guide `Installing PyTorch Encoding <../notes/compile.html>`_. Get Pre-trained Model --------------------- .. hint:: How to get pretrained model, for example ``ResNeSt50``:: model = encoding.models.get_model('ResNeSt50', pretrained=True) After clicking ``cmd`` in the table, the command for training the model can be found below the table. .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html ResNeSt ~~~~~~~ .. note:: The provided models were trained using MXNet Gluon, this PyTorch implementation is slightly worse than the original implementation. =============================== ============== ============== ========================================================================================================= Model crop-size Acc Command =============================== ============== ============== ========================================================================================================= ResNeSt-50 224 81.03 :raw-html:`cmd` ResNeSt-101 256 82.83 :raw-html:`cmd` ResNeSt-200 320 83.84 :raw-html:`cmd` ResNeSt-269 416 84.54 :raw-html:`cmd` =============================== ============== ============== ========================================================================================================= .. raw:: html Test Pretrained ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Prepare the datasets by downloading the data into current folder and then runing the scripts in the ``scripts/`` folder:: python scripts/ --data-dir ./ - The test script is in the ``experiments/recognition/`` folder. For evaluating the model (using MS), for example ``ResNeSt50``:: python --dataset imagenet --model ResNeSt50 --crop-size 224 Train Your Own Model -------------------- - Prepare the datasets by downloading the data into current folder and then runing the scripts in the ``scripts/`` folder:: python scripts/ --data-dir ./ - The training script is in the ``experiments/recognition/`` folder. Commands for reproducing pre-trained models can be found in the table.